Happy Ultima Thule New Year

Ultima Thule, “a distant unknown region; the extreme limit of travel and discovery”, is used as a term for God and Sach Khand by Soamiji Maharaj in his book known as Hidayat Namah (Esoteric Instructions). Have a HAPPY NEW YEAR. May it be one of aspiring to follow the highest path, exploring right to the extreme limits of what can be explored or known, and leading to the experience of Ultimate Reality.
“Radhasoami Dham is boundless, infinite, endless and immeasurable. It is the Nij Sthan, the special resting place of Sants (Faqirs). That region is the Ultima Thule of all Sants and all speech and description end here.” — Soamiji Maharaj, Hidayat Namah, now an online e-book: https://archive.org/details/HidayatNamahEsotericInstructionsOfSoamiJiMaharajSantRadhasoamiSahib/page/n1
On New Year’s Day humanity will be receiving the first image from New Horizons (the craft that visited Pluto awhile back) as it now encounters the farthest object ever visited, way beyond the orbit of Pluto, thus the name this object has been given: “Ultima Thule”. “In classical and medieval literature, Ultima Thule (Latin ‘furthermost Thule’) acquired a metaphorical meaning of any distant place located beyond the ‘borders of the known world’”. (Wikipedia)
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