In Sant Mat the Centers of Power, the Location or Real Estate Never Remains the Same Forever, by James Bean

A word about real estate. In the history of Sant Mat there have been many ashram centers. Kabir resided in one place, Guru Nanak in another. Tulsi Sahib was in Hathras, as was his successor Sant Surswami. There remains the Sant Tulsi Sahib Mandir in Hathras to this day. Soamiji and his successor Huzur Maharaj were in Agra. Baba Jaimal Singh was sent to the Punjab. There’s is always movement and change. The real estate never remains the same forever. Or, as my friend says, “There is no vatican of the spirit.” There is no permanent physical location on the earth-plane that remains a center for the masters for all time, no stoa of Pythagoras that’s still in existence, no golden temple of mystics that lasts for very long. A Sant will often start a new mission in a fresh location as part of the renewal process. New branches of the mystic tree grow to replace the old ones that fall away. “Every new beginning comes from some other new beginning’s end.” — Seneca As it always has been here in this realm of Samsara, the world of changes.