Of Internal and Mystical Silence, Michael de Molinos, The Spiritual Guide

128. There are three kinds of silence; the first is of Words, the Second of Desires, and the third of Thoughts. The first is perfect; the second more perfect; and the third more perfect. In the first, that is, of words, Virtue is acquired; in the second, to wit, of Desires, quietness is attained to; in the third of Thoughts, Internal Recollection is gained. By not speaking, not desiring, and not thinking, one arrives at the true and perfect Mystical Silence, wherein God speaks with the Soul, communicates himself to it, and in the Abyss of its own Depth, teaches it the most perfect and exalted Wisdom. 129. He calls and guides it to this inward Solitude, and mystical Silence, when he says, That he will speak to it alone, in the most secret and hidden part of the Heart.” (Michael de Molinos, THE Spiritual GUIDE WHICH Disentangles the Soul, AND Brings it by the Inward Way TO THE Getting of Perfect Contemplation AND THE Rich Treasure of Internal Peace)