“That the soul resides in the body is known only to the one who has experienced it within.” (Tulsi Sahib)

Soul at the Third Eye Center
It is by concentration of the soul at the eye center that the veil of delusion can be pierced. The preconditions for such concentration are purity of mind and a keen desire to attain the Supreme Being.
Chhin chhin suriti sanwar
Moment by moment gather thy soul and
hold it at the eye center.
Cleanse thou the mirror of thy mind and
catch the Divine Melody with thy soul;
If thy longing is keen, thou shalt pierce
the veil and attain the quintessence.
Indeed, 0 Tulsi, thou shalt then behold the
radiant dust* of the lotus feet of thy
– Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras, India (Book of Shabdavali, Pt I, Kakahra 7, p 25)
*The reference is to the light emanating from the radiant form of the master.
E-Book: https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.220560/page/n117
#ThirdEye #Meditation #InnerLight #Soul #Attention #Concentration #Within #InnerSpace #SeatOfTheSoul