The End of the Cosmos According to The Book of The Hidden Mysteries of The House of God, by Hierotheos (Stephen Bar Sudhaile, 5th Century Syrian mystic, and the teacher of Dionysius the Areopagite)

The Universe As We Know It Shall Not Only Be Transformed But Recreated
“All these doctrines, which are unknown even to angels, have I disclosed unto thee, my son, even though I be, on this account, despised of men. Know then, that all nature will finally blend with the Father: that nothing will really perish or be destroyed, but all will return, be sanctified, united and blended. Then God will be all in all. Even hell and its roots will pass away, and the dammed and the slaves of perdition will return. All orders and distinctions known to us will cease. Even what we call Spirit will be no longer; even what we call Christ will cease to be as such; even what we call God will be no more as we think it. The Divine Universal Essence alone will remain.
“In the same way that all rational nature is governed by its laws, so also all irrational nature obeys its special laws.
“My son, preserve my words, place them around thy neck, and let them be a sign on thy forehead, for the time has come that I should pass away: unto thee do I bequeath the scepter of my right hand.” (The end of the fifth and final section of the book)