The Inner Experience — Mystic Poetry of Sant Tulsi Sahib

That the soul resides in the body is known
only to the one who has experienced it
Who has adorned his chamber of Sukhmana*
and fixed his attention on the Sunn** [Void],
Who has himself seen the reflection in the
mirror within, alone values this truth;
Even as the oyster pining for the drop,***
O Tulsi, knows its worth indeed.
— Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras
Only the inner experience of withdrawing the soul current from the body leads to the realization that the soul inhabits the body. Such a one will experience the soul’s journey through the Sukhmana* and Sunn**.
* Sukhmana or Shushumna is the central current or canal in the subtle body which is located beyond the eye center and traversed by means of spiritual practice according to the instructions of a true Master.
** The third spiritual region in the journey of the soul;
*** It is believed in Indian folklore that it is only a raindrop falling into the mouth of an oyster that develops into a pearl. Thus the oyster is supposed to be pining for the raindrop
Tulsi Sahib Books Online
Tulsi Sahib — Saint of Hathras — Mystic Verses — Mystics of the East Series — E-Book (J.R. Puri/V.K. Sethi Translation) at the Internet Archive:
Param Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras — Short Biographical Sketch Plus Excerpts from the Shabdavali (Hymns), and, Ghat Ramayan — E-Book (S.D. Maheshwari Translation) at the Internet Archive:
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