PinnedNew Thinking Regarding Marcion of Sinope, by James BeanThe old views regarding Marcion is that he was a semi-gnostic “heretic” who was the heavy-handed editor of early Christian texts snipping…Jun 18, 2024Jun 18, 2024
Of Internal and Mystical Silence, Michael de Molinos, The Spiritual Guide128. There are three kinds of silence; the first is of Words, the Second of Desires, and the third of Thoughts. The first is perfect; the…Nov 20, 2023Nov 20, 2023
Gnostic False Positives and Gnostic Gnon-sense, by James BeanBelow: Gnostic False Postives, Disappointing Message Boards With Gnostic Gnon-sense and Even Archonic Occupation Importing Evangelical and…Oct 28, 20231Oct 28, 20231
The End of the Cosmos According to The Book of The Hidden Mysteries of The House of God, by…The Universe As We Know It Shall Not Only Be Transformed But RecreatedApr 12, 2023Apr 12, 2023
The Secret Gospel of Mark After All? Solving the Secret Mark Dilemma, By James BeanHow to reconcile verses of Secret Mark that seem to fit nicely into the regular Gospel of Mark and are rather intriguing, this despite the…Sep 10, 2022Sep 10, 2022
Gnostic Vowel Chant, Tones, Overtones, and the AEIOU of the CatharsBy James BeanAug 17, 2021Aug 17, 2021
The Odes of Solomon: Mystical Songs from the Time of Jesus, by James BeanGenres: Psalms, Poetry, Bhakti (devotion), Gnosticism, Gnostic Christianity, Meditation, Sacred Texts, Lost Books of the Bible, Mysticism…Jul 25, 2021Jul 25, 2021
The Soul of Love, by James BeanAcross the many centuries, lovers of the Beloved have been the composers of divine ecstatic poems, ghazals, odes, hymns psalms, banis…Jul 15, 2021Jul 15, 2021
The Gospel of Thomas Was Not Composed by Gnostics, by James BeanSome fragments from the lost Gospel of Thomas containing a few sayings attributed to Jesus were unearthed by the papyrologists Bernard Pyne…Jun 29, 20211Jun 29, 20211